Request for Proposal (RFP)
DanChurchAid (DCA)
Execution of advocacy interventions by the networks through third party financing under UTHAN Project
DCA Nepal is a Danish International Humanitarian organisation working in Nepal as a faith-based, non-missionary organisation. DCA works for the poor, vulnerable and socially excluded communities and believes in life before death. Its work with development and relief aid strives to help the oppressed, neglected, and marginalised groups to strengthen their possibilities to a life in dignity. Our vision is a world without hunger, poverty, and oppression, in which popular and political powers constantly work strongly and actively for a just and sustainable distribution and use of the earth’s resources. In Nepal, DCA’s work focuses on active citizenship for accountable governance, resilient livelihood and sustainable food security and humanitarian response and disaster risk reduction.
This Terms of Reference (ToR) is developed for qualified networks, alliances, federations for execution of advocacy interventions through third party under “Enhanced Action of Inclusive CSOs for Participation in Climate Resilient Economic Growth (UTHAN)” Project funded by the European Union and implemented in four Rural / Municipalities of Karnali and Sudurpaschim Province; which include Dullu Municipality and Aathabis Municipality in Dailekh; and Laljhadi Rural Municipality and Belauri Municipality in Kanchanpur District. This is 36 months project and is being implemented by DCA Nepal in support of other three partners i.e. Social Service Center (SOSEC) Dailekh, Nepal National Socail Welfare Association (NNSWA) Kanchanpur and Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD). The overall objective of the project is to promote inclusive, sustainable and climate resilient economic growth through CSO’s meaningful participation and accountable local governance in Karnali and Sudurpashchim Province of Nepal. The project expects to work in three result areas that includes enhancing the capacity, creating an enabling environment, and promoting participation of CSOs to promote CRA technologies and practices in selected Palikas of Kanchanpur and Dailekh Districts of Nepal.
The closing date for submission of proposal is15 July 2021.
Please review or download the detailed Request for Proposal (RFP) for submission of Technical and Financial Proposal from the following detail below:
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